It is not fresh from the oven anymore
but the issue of Same-Sex marriage is still hot as a newly baked pie. Before the month of June where wedding bells seems to be all so loud, why don’t we tackle an issue of love that “transcends” even
the morality of human race layer by layer, like a baked pie? Love surpasses all
things. Maybe in this area, love will escape the fangs of moral judgment and go beyond all the fences that love
isn’t allowed to be, or maybe not.
When “Opposites Attract”
Tracing back the Biblical History, God made a
Man in his image and when he saw that it is not good for a man to be alone, he
made a Woman, out of the same man that he made. Hence, the first couple were
made and lived. They have multiplied and filled the earth and here we are now
breathing, continuing to fill the earth.
There were a man and a woman and from them
springs love. When the time is ripe for two lovers, they will desire to undergo
the matrimony of marriage and have their happily-ever-after story as possible.
This is the normal setting that we have grown up to. This is the customary
setting that we are taught and told about. And this is the setting that we
ended up desiring to be in.
and woman ends up together primarily because of love. Marriage is the result of
the ardent desire of a couple to be together “in the name of love”. But what is love really?
according to Merriam-Webster, is an “affection and tenderness felt by lovers”. (
Could this love
be applicable and reasonable for “man-to-man” “woman-to-woman” relationships?
In the Bible, Genesis 1: 27(KJV) says “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”. This statement is commonly used by some religious communities in emphasizing their opposition regarding the “unusual” kind of relationship. But let us skip this point to further elaborate later and just focus on the “love” talk. We believe that everyone has the right and is entitled to love and be loved but why have we made an exception to what kind of love is acceptable?
In the Bible, Genesis 1: 27(KJV) says “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”. This statement is commonly used by some religious communities in emphasizing their opposition regarding the “unusual” kind of relationship. But let us skip this point to further elaborate later and just focus on the “love” talk. We believe that everyone has the right and is entitled to love and be loved but why have we made an exception to what kind of love is acceptable?
When “Opposites Attract” Isn’t working
There are existing kinds of love such as Storge, Phileo, Eros, and Agape. Such terms define love in various manner but where does the “controversial” kind of love fall under? Or is it better to say that it does not fall under any categories given but under the harsh judgment of “unblemished” society.
views and opinions take off when the subject matter is raised. Many who are for
equality are surefire Pro. And those “righteous” enough may say otherwise.
from the previous mentioned verse, this might back-up the claim of the
Genesis 2:18, 21-24 (KJV)
18 And
the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him
a help meet for him.
21 And
the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took
one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof.
22 And
the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought
her unto the man
23 And
Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be
called Woman, because she was taken out of man.
24 Therefore
shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife:
and they shall be one flesh.
sex relationships - and marriage in particular will longtime be under the scrutinizing
eyes of the society probably because, as some would throw the blame, of the
Church’s influence among its community. Several dominant personalities in the
service of the Church, in Catholicism specifically, have thrown explosive
statements regarding this matter that bombarded and really shook the LGBT (Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community. Others have quoted bible verses to
prove that their unbelief in Same Sex marriage is based on a solid foundation
and not just to oppose per se. This debate among the people or group of people
involved will surely go on and on until time no one can tell but one thing is
for sure, that God and His Church will always “stand in the way”.
When it all attracts is opposition
this subject will probably last longer than most of us want it to be. And
surely this case will not rest because we are so caught up with our philosophy
and beliefs that we created for ourselves. Some of us, if not most, have
deliberately used God and His Word just to make a point but do we really
understand what He is trying to say? Both parties, the Anti and the Pro has one
way or another conformed God’s Word to their principle when it should be the
other way around. And with this we create a larger division among ourselves
when we should be united. Even Jesus Himself has prayed for this yet our
different “moral” values prevent us to cooperate in fulfilling the heart’s
desire of Lord.
the Church be the one to teach us and help us in deepening our faith and
understanding God’s love for humanity? Then why are some blaming them for
starting the fire?
we as people and beloved creation of our God be following Him every day of our
lives? Then why are we so trying hard to live our lives OUR way by our own
are no judges. We do not have the right to judge other people for what they are
doing for we ourselves are not perfect. Only God can do that. If this is about
morality then let us all drop the subject. Do we live according to the moral
standard, of whom? And because we are no judges why judge other people?
we think our brothers and sisters are on the wrong side then we should tell
them. But we should not push them to the wall when they do not agree. We are
all called love one another. Things should be done and settled as an end result
of love not just to rub it in their face and impose that we are better human
issue first and foremost was thought to be conceived by love. Why don’t we
resolve this in a very loving way? We are to love our neighbors as we love
ourselves. We are to love as how our God loves us. Maybe we could find
ourselves in harmony if we first do what God has told us to do, not to argue
and debate about unimportant matters but to love one another.
Hey there, we have found good reads of the
same topic on the net. Might as well check this out:
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